Factors to focus before buying a Water Purifier

· Electronics

The type of water purifier you need for your home depends on the quality of your water supply and the stages of purification required to get clean and safe drinking water. Water purification involves multiple stages in which the water is passed out through several membranes to remove harmful chemicals, pollutants and microbes to make it fit for drinking. There are several types of water purifiers available on the market today and you have to analyze your requirements well before you buy one. In this post, we are going to share certain important factors to consider before you buy a water purifier.

1. Water Quality

Typically the water supplied to your household is hard water and has a high amount of TDS. TDS stands for Total dissolved solids in water and contain inorganic salts like magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium, bicarbonates, chlorides and more. In such an area, an RO water purifier works the best as it effectively separates inorganic compounds from the water and make it safe for drinking. 

2. Contamination

Contaminated water contains high level of toxic chemicals and metals such as iron, lead, copper, magnesium and arsenic. These metals can damage human organs permanently. If you live in an area, where water is contaminated with such kind of chemicals, you should consider an RO water purifier for your home as it effectively gets rid of these kind of heavy metals. Further, to get rid of both the microbes and heavy metals, you can consider buying a water purifier having the combination of RO and UV filter. UV or Ultraviolet filters kills microbes present in the water and prevents them from multiplying. 

3. Water Pressure 

The incoming flow of the water supply determines which filter you should get. An RO system would work accurately with high water pressure. Water pressure is based on the height of your building and other factors such as blocked pipes and clogged filters. A booster pump can also be attached with an RO system if the water supply in your home has less water pressure. 

4. Consider the amount of water your family drinks

When buying a water purifier online, consider your family size. The reason being natural water purifiers come with some storage capacity to make sure that you get purified drinking water even when there is no electricity. So, before taking the final decision take account of the amount of water your family drinks and also consider the water used for cooking. 

These are some of the important factors that you need to consider when you plan to buy a water purifier online to get the best according to your requirements.